How often do we find ourselves saying "I just wish I could stay home" as we navigate the craziness of our everyday lives. Work, school, parenting, sports, practices, meetings....before we know it another week has flown by and we shout TGIF. If you're like me, you like to stay home as much as you can on the weekends, because you feel like everyone else gets the other five days of the week. Fast forward....enter coronavirus. All of a sudden, we are tossed into staying home full-time. Our nation is in crisis mode. Coronavirus looms in the outside world. We are told to stay home (the wish many of us have expressed). Not only are we parents, but now we're full-time employees, filling the teacher role AND parenting all at the same time. I don't know about you, but it's extremely overwhelming for me. I've tried to remain as positive as possible while putting my full faith in God and the essential workers out there combating COVID-19. Lately I find my social ...
A constant balancing act between mom and career life!