My last blog post was in March. And that just goes to show how fast quarantine life has flown by. Back when it began, it felt endless. To be honest, it still does to an extent. I found out today that my time home has been extended yet again. However, this time...I'm okay with it. Quarantine has taught me so much about myself, my family, my job and the important things in life. I remember sitting at my table, sobbing hearing that Illinois residents would be ordered to stay home for another thirty days.....and then another thirty days....and then here we are another 30 days later. Before COVID changed our lives and before quarantine life became the norm, I was constantly running on empty, overloading my already overflowing plate and wishing life would just slow down for a day. I longed for time at home. I longed for a deep breathe. I longed to disconnect. Then it happened. And despite always holding myself to high standards, I crumbled. I struggled. Balancing mom life, work life ...
A constant balancing act between mom and career life!