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Showing posts from November, 2015


For the love of God, my twins are GIRLS! I've come to the conclusion that most of the general public is color blind. Or do they do it on purpose? The girls are 14 months old and I've gotten use to the twin  "celebrity" status that comes along with taking twins out in public. Some days it can be a lot to handle, especially if I'm by myself with them. But most of time, I am fine with it.  What I am not fine with is the 90% assumption that my girls are boys. My girls are most of time dressed in some shade of pink or purple, often sporting the girliest of attire, in a pink stroller and accompanied by a large PINK diaper bag! Sometimes I have to stop and look at the person to see if they are serious. And as they stand there waiting for my response, it's hard not to snap at them. Luckily I'm a pretty patient person and have learned to handle it, but I almost think we need to carry a sign that says, "Before you ask my mom, we are girls. Now what is your ne...

Super Mom

It's almost two months later and I still haven't mailed the Thank You cards from Emersyn & Everly's first birthday! We are going to their one year well check at 14 months old! I used to be on top of things like this. After my firstborn's birthday parties, I'd have the thank you cards out within the following week and he went to his well-check appointments at the exact age that he was supposed to.  This last year having added twins to the bunch has been a learning experience. Not just learning to care for two, but I've also had to let go of the OCD side of myself and let some things go. It's okay if things don't go exactly as planned. It's okay if my dishes wait until morning. It's okay if my girls' clothes are not organized by sleeve length and size or that laundry is piled high. Don't get me wrong as I'll never use my kids as an excuse to let my house fall apart, but I know that if I don't get to something right away, it...

Walkers, New Teeth, New Words and MORE

They're growing and there's no stopping them now! The girls are just shy of 14 months old (seriously where is this time going?) and it feels like they are changing every single day!  We just celebrated Halloween! The girls were the cutest owls around and safely accompanied by Big Brother as the Hulk! We went trick or treating with the sweetest family - The Ritters. They're boys were superheroes too, so the owls were extra safe! While walking the neighborhood, the girls loved taking it all in. Emersyn kept clapping her hands and yelling "YAY!" where Everly decided that a nap was better fitting for the occasion.  Everly is walking everywhere and as often as she can! She's still a bit wobbly, which is one of the cutest things ever, but she is determined to take off running. Emersyn not so much! Anyone who knows Emersyn knows that she likes to take things at her own pace. Just because her sister is doing it, doesn't mean that she will. She likes to sur...

First Birthday In Paris

One of the biggest milestones of all - September 19th, 2015  Welcome to Paris, well our own version of it anyway! When I started planning the girls' first birthday, I couldn't imagine celebrating any other way than with a Parisian themed party with family and friends. Black, white & pink everything!  We had an amazing turnout and though they won't remember it someday, these pictures will be cherished forever. One piece of advice, from one mom to another - HIRE A PHOTOGRAPHER! Not only did I get to focus on enjoying the party, but the photographer captured all of the little details that I may have missed among the excitement. A huge thank you to Ann Reed for taking the time to come and capture this memory for us!  We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! The weather was perfectly mild, the sun was shining and the kids got to run around and play! I had so much fun making the party decor and setting everything up as well....