It's almost two months later and I still haven't mailed the Thank You cards from Emersyn & Everly's first birthday! We are going to their one year well check at 14 months old! I used to be on top of things like this. After my firstborn's birthday parties, I'd have the thank you cards out within the following week and he went to his well-check appointments at the exact age that he was supposed to.
This last year having added twins to the bunch has been a learning experience. Not just learning to care for two, but I've also had to let go of the OCD side of myself and let some things go. It's okay if things don't go exactly as planned. It's okay if my dishes wait until morning. It's okay if my girls' clothes are not organized by sleeve length and size or that laundry is piled high. Don't get me wrong as I'll never use my kids as an excuse to let my house fall apart, but I know that if I don't get to something right away, it's okay.
Some that know me will be surprised to hear me admit to these things as I've always tried to be my own version of Super Mom with spotless floors, everything organized and in its place, laundry on schedule and you name it! I'm not perfect. I have flaws. And sometimes you may ask me something to which I will respond with "I forgot" because I truly did forget, even though it's written in my planner that I pack everywhere.
If I don't text you or call you back right away, it's because I try to disconnect from my phone and really focus on my family. But just know that I will get back to you even if it's not until the following day. I may have picked up the phone to call you back, but then one of my girls fell down or one is after the dog food bowl again or Rhylan is down the hall yelling for mommy!
I love this crazy life! And I am still Super Mom, but with a brand new cape where I have learned to focus on what really matters, let the little things go and enjoy these little moments. And just for the record, I'm working on those Thank You cards! :-)
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