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Showing posts from December, 2015

2015 Where Did You Go?

I'm going to call 2015, the fastest year of our lives thus far! We made so many amazing memories and we are looking forward to 2016 and what's to come!  Last January, I returned to work at Melrose after an amazing fourteen week leave to take care of my babies. I thought that returning to work was going to be incredibly difficult, but honestly, the work/family balance just fell into place. It also helps to be in a field that I enjoy. My Grandma jumped right in to her role as full-time caregiver for the twins and Rhylan. Knowing that we have her support and my girls are being taken care of by her made the transition easy as well.  Last February, we celebrated the 90th birthday of my Great Grandma Vincent! It's hard to believe that she's 90 and will soon be 91. Events like that really put things into perspective for you. It's so important to never take things for granted and I'm thankful that my kids have gotten to meet their Great Great Grandma. N...


My husband and I were eating dinner the other night, with our two lively girls and big brother too. To this day, I still find myself staring at my precious baby girls in absolute awe. I always wonder what God had in mind when he gave me these two baby girls. The memory of the day we discovered that we were having twins still replays in my mind. And with that, I turned to my husband and said "What was I so afraid of?" He wondered the same thing. There was never a doubt in his mind that we could do this and I'm so thankful for his confidence.  Part of my fear was financial and the fact that I couldn't imagine myself caring for two newborns at once. I might be bragging a little bit, but I feel like my husband and I are twin parent rockstars. The best way to describe caring for twins when someone asks is that you just do it. What choice do you have? These two little babies are counting on you and you do your best.  Having two toddlers now is the norm at the...


Sometimes I ask myself how I keep it together. To be frank, how on earth do I keep from losing my sh*t on daily basis? Life is chaotic right now to say the least. Try two one year olds who are into everything while always going in opposite directions plus a super active five year old! Add in a full-time job, meals to be prepped and cleaned up, never ending laundry piles, dishes and the constant repetitive motions of picking up toys and you'll gain an idea of why I'm so tired!  That is until....8:00. Is it awful that I find myself looking forward to the 8:00 bedtime? It's at that moment, that I usually find myself again. I take a deep breath, sit down and just relax. Yes there is laundry to be done, floors to be swept and toys to pick up (again), but sometimes I just let all of those things escape my mind and recharge.  The crazy thing is that no matter how crazy my little ones make me, I still find myself missing them when I'm away. I never want to...