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Showing posts from March, 2017

When It's Your Child

I've been struggling with how to put this into words. I know that many moms will be able to relate. I'm talking about the adjustment and transitional phase of your child in school. So let's dive right in... First, let's talk about me. I'm not referring to the "me" that you know as a family member, friend or co-worker. I'm talking about me as a mom. Being a mom brings me the greatest joy. Along with joy, comes times of frustration and moments where you question yourself. Am I doing a good job? Do my kids understand just how much I love them? What else can I do to teach valuable life lessons? In a life full of mom-shamers and a very judgemental society, that tends to hide behind their social media handle or think they can say whatever they want from behind their computer screen, we are often held to the highest of standards. That can be a major pill to swallow.  As a mom, I've always just "done my own thing" and I try not to let society...