You turn 28 and you think to yourself "I still have two more years of my twenties." Then 29 comes and shit gets real. I found myself clinging to my youth years. Time flies so fast, especially once you have kids and it absolutely freaks me out. However when I think about it, I never really had those carefree twenties that I've watched a lot of my friends and family members have. I graduated college at 21, got married at 22 and I had my first child at 23. From there, life went into hyper speed. My focus went from being a carefree college student, to a wife and mother. There were times when my inner 20-someting self really wanted to get out, go out and just be stupid or carefree at times, but I wouldn't trade this life for anything. And don't get me wrong, I had my crazy moments. You can thank my sister for that one. She's always there to bring me out of my bubble. Sometimes that's the best therapy! I always knew I wanted to have my kids relatively young. ...
A constant balancing act between mom and career life!