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You turn 28 and you think to yourself "I still have two more years of my twenties." Then 29 comes and shit gets real. I found myself clinging to my youth years. Time flies so fast, especially once you have kids and it absolutely freaks me out. However when I think about it, I never really had those carefree twenties that I've watched a lot of my friends and family members have. I graduated college at 21, got married at 22 and I had my first child at 23. From there, life went into hyper speed. My focus went from being a carefree college student, to a wife and mother. There were times when my inner 20-someting self really wanted to get out, go out and just be stupid or carefree at times, but I wouldn't trade this life for anything. And don't get me wrong, I had my crazy moments. You can thank my sister for that one. She's always there to bring me out of my bubble. Sometimes that's the best therapy! 

I always knew I wanted to have my kids relatively young. Why? It's because I have young parents. I loved that Dad could get up and run around the yard with us. He could play basketball with my brother and now he can still do the same with my kids. I loved that my mom was always up for a shopping trip or a trip to Six Flags when we were kids. When Michael and I married, we knew we were on the same page. He wanted kids by 25 and so did I, though we never expected it to happen so quickly for us. Raising our three kids has been the hardest, most rewarding job and we wouldn't change it for the world. And someday (hopefully very far from now), we'll get to be those young grandparents like my parents get to be.

Now that I'm officially 30 and I've put my twenties behind me, it's crazy to look back at how much my life changed in the last 10 years. At age 20, I was half way through college. My priorities included trying to stay on top of my school work, spending time with friends and partying on the weekends (in no particular order). The years between 20 and 30 are a huge blur, because so much happened. We married, we bought a house, we had our first kid, we bought a second house, we had added twins to our family, I worked in media sales, followed by the home decor industry and now a marketing firm, we've taken trips, we've had our highs, we've had our lows, we've lost loved ones and brought new ones into the family, we've celebrated the milestones of our kids and the list goes on and on. Fast forward 10 years and my priorities include taking care of my family, spending time with our family and friends, trying to further my marketing career, budgeting and paying those bills all while trying not to lose my shit along the way! 

I've been told that the 30's are the best years of your life. I hope it's true! I look forward to the adventures to come. I feel like the 20's were among the toughest years of my life and now as I enter my 30's, I feel like I have a stronger, more confident approach. The 20's were all about getting our family started and getting our roots planted. Now that my kids are no longer babies and we've started to find our way, I feel like I can take a deep breath really enjoy the life ahead, even if I have to get there in a minivan. 

Until I get to the 40's and then it's time to panic! Just kidding...kind of! 


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