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Showing posts from May, 2019

Things I'd Tell My 20 Year Old Self

I'm totally recycling this idea from another blogger, because I feel like we've all had those reflective moments in life where we wish we had known what we know now. It's called life experience and the 20 year old me had just barely begun. I would've been halfway through college and didn't have any true responsibilities just yet. As long as I maintained that GPA, remembered my dance choreography and made it to my waitressing shifts on time, I was golden.  Sometimes I think to myself "boy oh boy did I take those days for granted." Sometimes adult life can really slap you in the face. I've definitely had my share of that. At the same time, I always pull through. I'm stronger than I realized I could ever be at age 20. If I could go back and (in the words of Brad Paisley's song) "write a letter to me," there are some key things I'd tell that girl. In no particular order, here they are: 1. Travel and see as much of the world as...

Dancing Around Your Thoughts

Today I looked in the mirror and thought "good grief my eyes look so tired today." It's one of those days where there's just not enough concealer and you need that second or third cup of coffee. Most of my blogs are typically silly and about rocking the mom life. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love it and wouldn't change it for the world. But we are all human and there are just certain things that can start to eat at you when kept within. Sometimes when you hold your emotions in, because you literally can't let it out in front of your littles, it can make you feel like you are going to explode. It can make you freaking crazy. In those moments, I tend to take mine and channel them into a good sweat. But sometimes we just need to talk things out. One of the toughest aspects of my current stage of mom life is when you have something on your heart. Whether you are dealing with some crazy emotions, someone you care about has hurt your feelings, you've...

Minivan Swag

I once thought "minivan moms" were a certain kind of mom and by golly I was bound and determined that I wouldn't be one of them. Truth is, minivan moms can encompass any type of mom. Of course you have the "soccer moms" and the moms with a lot of kiddos in tow, but let's not forget the rest of us. From the hot mess moms, to corporate moms, to stay-at-home moms, to the mom who looks super glam at drop off, to the mom rocking the yoga pants, we can all rock the minivan in our own ways. It hit me that it's been two and half years since we signed the papers and brought home what I like to call our "hot mess express." I avoided it for years. I declared loudly and proudly that I would never drive a minivan. I was going to be an SUV mom. That is until I quickly learned what a royal pain in the ass the third row seating can be. I watched my then four year old struggle daily to climb back there. Half the time I couldn't tell if he was properly...