Today started with one of those mornings. Things actually started out on a positive note. The kids woke up with smiling faces, willingly got out of bed, laughed and chatted through breakfast and had this momma beaming with joy. However sometimes moments like this are a prequel to something crazy that's about to happen. Do you know what I mean? It's like the second you think to yourself, "my kids are so sweet this morning. I'm totally rocking the mom thing," one of them decides to test your limits. A blissful morning came crashing down, literally over a pair of boots and a certain little five year old who decided she didn't want to get her shoes on when it came time to load up and head to school. We fought about it. I tried every negotiation tactic. She wasn't having it. She kept her foot flexed, refused to put it inside the boot and refused to listen to me. Maybe it was pent up stress from bottling up other things. Perhaps it was because I knew we were ...
A constant balancing act between mom and career life!