Today started with one of those mornings. Things actually started out on a positive note. The kids woke up with smiling faces, willingly got out of bed, laughed and chatted through breakfast and had this momma beaming with joy. However sometimes moments like this are a prequel to something crazy that's about to happen. Do you know what I mean? It's like the second you think to yourself, "my kids are so sweet this morning. I'm totally rocking the mom thing," one of them decides to test your limits.
A blissful morning came crashing down, literally over a pair of boots and a certain little five year old who decided she didn't want to get her shoes on when it came time to load up and head to school. We fought about it. I tried every negotiation tactic. She wasn't having it. She kept her foot flexed, refused to put it inside the boot and refused to listen to me. Maybe it was pent up stress from bottling up other things. Perhaps it was because I knew we were running out of time and the girls had a big day ahead of them. Either way...I snapped.
We've all been there. Sometimes it can take something as little as a boot to send us sailing over the edge of sanity for a moment. Despite what picture perfect portrayals of motherhood you may see on social media, it's important to know that (regardless of what fellow moms may want you to believe), we've all been there. We've all done it. We've all lost our shit at some point.
Today was my turn. I quickly realized that I was acting like a crazy person. I think it's important to not only apologize, but to take ownership of your own behavior, just as we expect our children to. That's what I did, despite the guilt. And before I knew it, we were loaded up in the car and on our way to school. There was even some laughter along the way.
I ran through the scenario in my mind as I drove and reflected on how I could've better handled the situation. Yes....I do that. I think it's important to reflect. It only makes you a better mom and in my opinion, a stronger person. Upon drop off, I hugged that little stinker extra tight and told her to remember how much mommy loves her.
Today was the girls' Thanksgiving feast. It's such a special event and this year, I got to attend. It's a true sight to see! Picture one huge table, long enough to fit 100 preschoolers who are decked out head to toe in themed clothing that they made themselves! It's amazing! They parade. They eat lunch. They laugh. They mingle with their friends and teachers.
One moment from the feast stopped me in my tracks when I needed it most. During the presentation portion of the event, the teachers read aloud what each student said they were thankful for. I couldn't wait for my girls' names to be called. Emersyn's name was first. She said she was most thankful for....wait for it....mommy! I had to turn away, because my eyes welled with tears and I didn't want to be that mom in the crowd of parents bawling her eyes out.
You see? Our kids don't need us to be perfect moms. Our kids don't remember those few moments where we feel like we're at our worst. Our kids just need us to be there for them. And that is something I know that I'll never stop doing. In that moment, aside from wanting to squeeze her, I felt the reassurance that I needed.
It's so easy to get lost in the day to day; the constant running from one place to the next; the drop-off schedule; the nightly routines. We have to remember to stop, reflect and take in the little moments, because they truly are often disguised as impactful moments. We just have to realize that they are there.
Also, Everly said she was thankful for....Jesus! One thing is for sure. I'm thankful for this crazy life.
A blissful morning came crashing down, literally over a pair of boots and a certain little five year old who decided she didn't want to get her shoes on when it came time to load up and head to school. We fought about it. I tried every negotiation tactic. She wasn't having it. She kept her foot flexed, refused to put it inside the boot and refused to listen to me. Maybe it was pent up stress from bottling up other things. Perhaps it was because I knew we were running out of time and the girls had a big day ahead of them. Either way...I snapped.
We've all been there. Sometimes it can take something as little as a boot to send us sailing over the edge of sanity for a moment. Despite what picture perfect portrayals of motherhood you may see on social media, it's important to know that (regardless of what fellow moms may want you to believe), we've all been there. We've all done it. We've all lost our shit at some point.
Today was my turn. I quickly realized that I was acting like a crazy person. I think it's important to not only apologize, but to take ownership of your own behavior, just as we expect our children to. That's what I did, despite the guilt. And before I knew it, we were loaded up in the car and on our way to school. There was even some laughter along the way.
I ran through the scenario in my mind as I drove and reflected on how I could've better handled the situation. Yes....I do that. I think it's important to reflect. It only makes you a better mom and in my opinion, a stronger person. Upon drop off, I hugged that little stinker extra tight and told her to remember how much mommy loves her.
Today was the girls' Thanksgiving feast. It's such a special event and this year, I got to attend. It's a true sight to see! Picture one huge table, long enough to fit 100 preschoolers who are decked out head to toe in themed clothing that they made themselves! It's amazing! They parade. They eat lunch. They laugh. They mingle with their friends and teachers.

You see? Our kids don't need us to be perfect moms. Our kids don't remember those few moments where we feel like we're at our worst. Our kids just need us to be there for them. And that is something I know that I'll never stop doing. In that moment, aside from wanting to squeeze her, I felt the reassurance that I needed.
It's so easy to get lost in the day to day; the constant running from one place to the next; the drop-off schedule; the nightly routines. We have to remember to stop, reflect and take in the little moments, because they truly are often disguised as impactful moments. We just have to realize that they are there.
Also, Everly said she was thankful for....Jesus! One thing is for sure. I'm thankful for this crazy life.
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