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You may have noticed the viral photo of two twin girls in a stroller. Attached to the stroller is a sign showing the mother's response to the most common questions that she receives while out and about. I found it hilarious, because I totally understand where she's coming from. It also inspired me to make my own list! We're approaching the one year mark and I've heard it all! Here are the responses to the most common questions/statements that I get on a regular basis. 

"Yes they are twins."
"Yes they are mine."
"Yes I am old enough to have kids."
"No I did not use IVF."
"They were conceived naturally."
"No I was not trying to get pregnant with twins."
"Yes I was surprised."
"Yes my hands are full." 
"Yes I am busy, but I love it!" 
"Yes I DO have a job and do not stay home."  
"They are not boys."
"I am not exhausted or miserable at all. I love being a twin mom."
"I did deliver them naturally."
"Yes I did breastfeed." 
"They were not premature, as a matter of fact, they were fully grown and past due. 39 weeks."
"They are my 2nd & third children."
"I also have a son."
"Yes I am finished having children."
"I'm very glad that it's me and not you too."
"Yes we are very blessed."
"Nervous laughter....." (When someone strange approaches, gets too close or says something rude)
"They are not identical." 
"Yes twins do run in my family."
"Thank you!" (my most common response in passing to the congratulations and compliments)

Rhylan's common responses: 
"Yes I like being a big brother."
"I have two sisters."
"I'm a good big brother."
"They keep mommy busy."
"I love them." 

Most of the time I can handle this as I am very used to the "celebrity status" that comes with my outings now. Some days it can be tough. If I'm having a emotional day (like any normal person does), I just don't have the patience. And sometimes I just want to shop without the staring, remarks, neck craning or the pointing. But I just remind myself how incredibly blessed I am to have all three of my kids. And one day when my kids are grown, I will want this time back. I am so thankful and thank God every single day. I just have to hold my head high and power through (with my double stroller). Perhaps instead of talking, I will hand out cards with the URL to this blog post! That should solve it, right? 


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