"Mom, he's pushing me." "Mom, she won't get out of my room." "Mom, they are irritating me!" "Mooooooommmmmm!" Isn't if funny how our kiddos can push us to the absolute brink of insanity? I find my inner thoughts saying, "Okay Crystal. Today's the day you finally go crazy. It's happening." Yet, when I'm away from those stinkers, I long to be around that chaos. I truly enjoy going to work. I know....right? That's nuts, but I do. Yet early afternoon rolls around and I find myself counting down to quitting time, so I can go home and just hug all three of them. Even though 90% of the time between siblings (in my house anyway) is spent seeing what they can do to push each other's buttons, there are sometimes these sweet moments of peace and playtime. Those moments where despite the bickering and the tattling to mom, you can truly see that they love each other. My favorites are when I'm just sitti...
A constant balancing act between mom and career life!