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Showing posts from January, 2023

What I Learned from Frugal January

While I don't believe in new year resolutions, I do believe in goals, aspirations and dreams. As a society, we're made to feel that with each new year, we must make resolutions, which more often than not, fade by March or set us up for failure. The feeling of failure is never good for the spirit, so a couple of years ago, I decided to stop giving in to that societal pressure. I have found that self-reflection is an excellent place to begin a new year and set realistic goals. This year, I started by challenging myself to what I named Frugal January. It's exactly what it sounds like. I challenged myself to only spend on necessities. I gave up runs to the coffee shop and trips to TJ Maxx. I gave up frivolous, careless and impulse-based spending, no matter how big or small it was. I asked myself one question with every single purchase decision, "do I really need this?" If I could live without it, I declined it. Did this cause me physical pain at times? Yes! There were...

You, My Friend, Matter.

Are you someone who has put herself on the back burner? Maybe you're like me and you've neglected your healthcare needs for years? Today is the day that you make a change. Okay? Say it with me.  I matter. My health and well-being matters. How did that feel? Was it hard to say? Did it leave you with a pit in your stomach? That pit in your stomach is your body's way of telling you that you need to make a change. I decided that a new year was the perfect time to push myself to make an appointment and take the first steps toward medical wellness. Self-care is a topic that we hear about almost daily. We're told to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others. Make time to rest. Eat well. Exercise. Have a good skincare routine. Declutter our spaces. Listen to our bodies. Meditate. Be mindful. The list goes on and on....and while I have mastered many of those things, I also realize that medical wellness also fits into the equation (whether I want to admit it or no...

Snow Days....for Real

  Expectation Reality Screaming yelling and fighting by 8:30 a.m.  Mom chugging coffee.  Dad trying to have work calls while trying to pretend there isn't screaming in the background. Dog paw prints all over the floors.  Instant headache.  Thinking about having a good cry.  Kicking the kids outside.  Kid takes snowball to the face. More tears.  All of the deep breaths. Trying to maintain my work ethic.  Longing for spring and realizing it's very far away.  Wishing I was in my quiet office.  Setting a time to drink wine. 

Navigating the World of Mom Friends

If you follow my social media or are a long-time reader of this blog, then you are aware that two years ago, we decided to make a major change and move out of Illinois. Moving to Missouri was a long-time dream and goal shared with my husband. So it was in August of 2020, that the opportunity found us when we weren't actively seeking it. It's funny how things work out, isn't it? And one thing is certain, I've grown to love our new hometown. Moving to a brand new town does come with its unique challenges, especially for moms. To name a few... Not having any local connections. Navigating a brand new school system (during a pandemic). Overall uncertainty and moments of self-doubt. Did we make the right choice? Realizing very quickly just how "clique-y" our new hometown is and wondering if I would fit in. A crazy, strange and awkward situation (one that will remain unmentioned) that made me extra apprehensive to plant roots in our new hometown. If you are close fri...


 "Nothing that is meant for you will miss you."  I'm blessed to have become a member of a fantastic group of leadership-focused, uplifting and supportive women this year. What started as a paid initiative to learn and strengthen leadership skills (we are in fact doing these things), became the group of ladies that I didn't know I needed in my life. However, I like to believe that God brought us together for a reason. Each of us are on our own career journeys and are in different stages of our lives, but the life lessons, encouragement and blessings that each of these ladies have brought into my life are things that I will carry with me forever.  Was I searching for this learning opportunity? No. In fact, it was recommended to me only after another colleague couldn't pursue it. Do I feel like I was placed in this group for a reason? Yes.  The above phrase is something that was shared in our last session and it hit me right in the feels. How often do we spend our ti...

Dear 2022, Thanks for the Memories

 Breathe.  Do you ever choose a word to serve as the overarching theme for the new year? This is mine. While I'm not planning to make any resolutions, I do set goals all year long. In recent conversations about 2022 and a lot of reflecting, I realize just how much of my time didn’t actually belong to me. I did the one thing I said I would never do. I overbooked, over-scheduled and gave a majority of my time to others.  I struggled with ongoing feelings of burnout. I was stressed to the max. Overstimulated most days. I rarely took time off from work, because I felt I couldn't. I felt that I let a lot of people down in the process; those I had to turn down. There were the friends we didn't get to see. There were the celebrations we had to miss. There were the moments when I just needed to breathe, but instead remained in survival mode.  At the same time, 2022 did have its special moments and lifelong memories! Don't get me wrong. There were moments that I truly enjoyed...