Are you someone who has put herself on the back burner? Maybe you're like me and you've neglected your healthcare needs for years? Today is the day that you make a change. Okay? Say it with me.
I matter. My health and well-being matters.
How did that feel? Was it hard to say? Did it leave you with a pit in your stomach? That pit in your stomach is your body's way of telling you that you need to make a change.
I decided that a new year was the perfect time to push myself to make an appointment and take the first steps toward medical wellness. Self-care is a topic that we hear about almost daily. We're told to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others. Make time to rest. Eat well. Exercise. Have a good skincare routine. Declutter our spaces. Listen to our bodies. Meditate. Be mindful. The list goes on and on....and while I have mastered many of those things, I also realize that medical wellness also fits into the equation (whether I want to admit it or not).
So it was during that first week of January when I reluctantly entered the doctor's office in search of answers for several specific reasons. I've dealt with some of the symptoms my entire life, but have never had the courage to ask about them. Other symptoms are things that have started happening within the last couple of years. I have spent far too many telling myself to "suck it up," convincing myself that what I was experiencing was just part of life.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, when it comes to my kids, my husband and my extended family, I always preach self-care, mental health and physical wellness. It's time I start listening to my own words. I obviously want to be around for as long as possible. I realize that I am not invincible. I realize that by putting the needs of everyone else in my life ahead of my own, I wasn't truly living my best life. I need to prioritize my own health, in order to continue to be the guiding force that my loved ones need and depend on.
If you could hear my inner monologue, you would be shocked. It can be brutal. I've always held myself to very high standards. They skyrocketed once I move myself out my childhood hometown. That place held me back in so many ways, but that's a story for another time. I have worked my tail off to get where I am today and to be the best version of myself. When I was experiencing symptoms, my inner monologue would immediately kick in with "You need to suck it up Crystal. You don't have time for this. It's all in your head." I thought that I was just being my typical overly critical self.
Bottom line? This wasn't all in my head. It took finding the right provider to validate my feelings, truly listen to me and put me on the right track. I will be 36 this year. For the first time in my life, I will be on medications. The idea scares me at times, but I'm embracing it. With each passing day....and each symptom's relief, I am becoming more and more okay with the fact that sometimes we just need a little help to live our best lives.
If you haven't made yourself a priority for a long time. If you are experiencing any kind of symptoms, please don't ignore them. The time is now. I encourage you to take that first step. Make that appointment. Your future self will thank you.
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