At almost 4 months old, it's time to really meet the girls and their personalities!
Night and day.....that's exactly what these two girls are! We have our little miss Everly; she is the most laid back baby on the planet. She literally just goes with the flow each and every day. She's so content and always happy. We have our little miss Emersyn; she's who we call the boss! If she wants something, she wants it right now! Is it bad that we can already sense future mischief from her?
It's amazing how their personalities from inside the womb remain outside. During my pregnancy, Emersyn was on my left side and she was constantly active, kicking all day long! I felt like a boxing match was going on in there! And during ultrasounds, she would always throw a limb into Everly's picture! Everly hardly moved, just hanging out in there. She did find a comfortable spot for her foot (my ribcage) and left it there for the last couple of months. It caused me so much discomfort, but it was all worth it.
During the birth, I will never forget their grand entrances. Each girl was different. Emersyn was expected to arrive second, but nope! She made sure that she was first. She may the smaller baby, but don't underestimate her size. She is powerful! When she came out, she let out the biggest wail of a cry. I can still hear it. Twelve minutes later, it was time for Everly's arrival. She came out with just a little whimper and that was it!
It's funny to watch them interact with each other. At almost four months old, they already have such a communication between them. Everly lets Emersyn snuggle up to her each and every night. They look so incredibly comfortable and comforted by each other. It will be a rough day when we have to separate them into two cribs. But for now, we love swaddling and placing them side by side.
When it comes time for feeding, Emersyn will eat like there is no tomorrow. Sometimes I wonder if she will ever stop. Everly seems to eat just enough to be content. She'll finish and look up at me with smiles as if she is saying "Thank you for the milk Mom!" Emersyn just continues to eat and eat....and EAT! It's a wonder that she has stayed so petite.
As they get bigger, they are developing very
different appearances. So much for having trouble telling them apart! Emersyn seems to favor Michael with her cute little dimples and Everly seems to favor my side of the family with her cute little cheeks! I look forward to watching their personalities grow and change with each coming month and year. Being a twin mom is amazing and I feel so very blessed!
Night and day.....that's exactly what these two girls are! We have our little miss Everly; she is the most laid back baby on the planet. She literally just goes with the flow each and every day. She's so content and always happy. We have our little miss Emersyn; she's who we call the boss! If she wants something, she wants it right now! Is it bad that we can already sense future mischief from her?
It's amazing how their personalities from inside the womb remain outside. During my pregnancy, Emersyn was on my left side and she was constantly active, kicking all day long! I felt like a boxing match was going on in there! And during ultrasounds, she would always throw a limb into Everly's picture! Everly hardly moved, just hanging out in there. She did find a comfortable spot for her foot (my ribcage) and left it there for the last couple of months. It caused me so much discomfort, but it was all worth it.
During the birth, I will never forget their grand entrances. Each girl was different. Emersyn was expected to arrive second, but nope! She made sure that she was first. She may the smaller baby, but don't underestimate her size. She is powerful! When she came out, she let out the biggest wail of a cry. I can still hear it. Twelve minutes later, it was time for Everly's arrival. She came out with just a little whimper and that was it!

When it comes time for feeding, Emersyn will eat like there is no tomorrow. Sometimes I wonder if she will ever stop. Everly seems to eat just enough to be content. She'll finish and look up at me with smiles as if she is saying "Thank you for the milk Mom!" Emersyn just continues to eat and eat....and EAT! It's a wonder that she has stayed so petite.
As they get bigger, they are developing very
different appearances. So much for having trouble telling them apart! Emersyn seems to favor Michael with her cute little dimples and Everly seems to favor my side of the family with her cute little cheeks! I look forward to watching their personalities grow and change with each coming month and year. Being a twin mom is amazing and I feel so very blessed!
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