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Happy Diapering!

During the pregnancy, I did a blog post all about cloth diapering and everything that I was learning! I've received a lot of questions and I felt it necessary to do a follow-up on how it's going. We've been cloth diapering our girls for three months now and so far we are loving it! It has been unbelievably easy for us and I am so glad that we decided to make the investment. We knew that we were taking a large (and pricey) risk by purchasing enough cloth diapers for two babies. I wouldn't change it (no pun intended) for anything! 

If you don't mind a few extra laundry loads here and there, then I highly encourage you to give it a try. Purchase a few and try it out. If it doesn't work for you, then there are tons of moms out there looking to buy the diapers secondhand. My biggest concern was cleaning them in my HE front loader wash machine. It gets the job done! And once you find a washing routine that works for you, it's a breeze. I'm getting ready to incorporate EcoNuts into my washing routine as well. 

The absorbency of the pocket diapers has been great! We hardly ever have problems with blowouts or leaks (unless we leave it on too long or it's a really bad one)! I chose pocket diapers because I like that I can take them apart to clean them. They are convenient and easy to use. And you can adjust the amount that you stuff if you have a heavy wetter or for night time, etc. Bum Genius 4.0's have been the perfect fit! They grow from 8-35 lbs with your baby, so they are in them for the long haul to potty training! 

Diaper runs to the store? What are those? We wouldn't know, because we never have to worry about running out. I do keep a package of disposables on hand just incase, but I haven't had the desire to use them. I wash every other day and it keeps our stash full and ready to go! 

Diaper rash is practically a thing of the past as well, because the diapers are chemical free! When they were first born and wearing newborn disposables, we continued to experience this problem. It was very frustrating. Another product that works wonders is coconut oil! Yes, the coconut oil that you purchase for cooking (I had to wrap my head around it)! Perfect for any signs of diaper rash and completely organic.

As soon as the girls hit the eight pound mark, I jumped right into cloth diapering and haven't looked back. I've also chosen to use cloth wipes! They are super easy to use! Just throw them right in the wash with the diapers and keep a wipe warmer ready to go. I am learning how to make my own wipe solutions as well using tea tree essential oil, water and baby wash. I'd be happy to share my wash routine and solution recipe. 

I've ditched the Diaper Genie and opted for a cloth diaper pail, which is very convenient! I chose the Ubbi Cloth Diaper Pail. It's super cute and handy. It keeps the smell contained and has a top that locks in place to keep the littles from opening it. 

Sometimes on cloth diapering Facebook groups and sites, moms make this diapering stuff out to be rocket science and so complicated. It can be very intimidating, but it really is not. It is all about you, your babies and a routine that fits your lifestyle. Practice makes perfect and if I can ever answer questions about my experience, I'm always happy too! Happy diapering! 


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