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10 Years

It goes without saying that a lot can change in just 10 (short) years. It's been 10 years since I graduated high school. It's made me really reflect on my life thus far and how I'm nowhere near the person I was back then. Back then I set huge goals for myself: 

1. Go to College
2. Find a Husband
3. Travel the World
4. Get Married
5. Find a Career
6. Start a Family 

I came from a small town full of people who either thought they were better than you, a class full of peers who always fought, several teachers who put us down instead of encouraging and a school board full of well-connected parents. All of that equals a recipe for disaster. It's had an effect on me that weighs well into my adult years. I tell people how much I disliked high school and they just can't believe it. Let me tell you how it has shaped me as a person and a parent. 

I'm taking you back to my sophomore year. The assignment was to research colleges. This assignment excited me as I knew in my mind that I always wanted to attend college. I would be the first in my family to do so. Academics never came naturally to me. I really had to work at it. There was a lot of tears and frustration, but when all was said and done, I would make decent grades. I will never forget the teacher who in front of my class called me out and told me that college was "out of my range." Out of my range? At the time, I shrugged it off. But inside I felt destroyed. How on earth can someone who is supposed to be an educator and superior say that? After that, I was determined. I couldn't wait to one day walk across that college stage and honestly if I could've, I would have slapped her in the face with my diploma. 

Believe it or not, I used to think that I'd want to study English, so I looked forward to senior year when I could take Creative Writing. What a disaster that was! Instead of actually instilling the knowledge necessary to advance to college writing, my teacher put myself and a few others down, telling me that I thought that I was "superior" to the other students in my class. She accused me of talking in class as well and would constantly yell at me. I'm pretty sure she was delusional, because had she given me a chance, she may have enjoyed my writing. I decided to drop that class and take an art class. I had all of the credits that I needed to graduate at that point, so I enjoyed the art class. It was fun, laid back and I got to test out my creativity. When one door closes, another opens!

If it weren't for my dance team girls, I don't know how I would've kept my sanity through all of the small town drama. I truly loved it! All of the girls taught me more than they'll ever know and it gave me something to look forward to each and every day. I hope that my kids can find something such as this to stay driven and motivated. I will let them try any activity they they want and I can't wait to be in the cheering section for them! 

Once I got to college, things changed! I was able to explore and found the confidence that had been hidden in my years prior. I loved the business program and new that I was on the right path. I also enjoyed an English class or two along the way! And unlike in high school, I was earning really good grades easily! Did I mention that I found the love of my life along the way, got to travel overseas and graduated having made the Dean's List? Take that small town haters! 

As my children grow, I look forward to watching them try things and succeed. Even though I experienced so many obstacles back in my teen years, it has made me who I am today. While it pains me to ever think of anyone putting my kids down, I will be right there to lift them right back up! I want them to know that they can literally do anything that they set their minds to. 

To my kids, never ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something or that anything is ever "out of your range." The opportunities are endless, so never feel stuck in a bubble and if you do, use everything in your power to bust that bubble and explore the world. And know that I am always in the front row of your cheering section! 


  1. So glad to hear that I wasn't the only one who had this experience. Great writing, by the way! ;)


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