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365 New Days. 365 New Chances.

"What if you simply devoted this year to loving yourself more?"

I've always been a believer in sitting down at the end of each year and making a few resolutions to kick-start a new year. When I think back to some of my previous resolutions, I realize just how completely unrealistic they were. Over this last year, I have gone through an incredible amount of personal growth and change. Without getting into all of that craziness, I have really thought these resolutions out to represent the new me. Instead of writing them down, I'm going to share them! I hope you find the inspiration to make a few of your own. It's always beneficial to have goals! Join me and take a fresh new approach on the year to come. 

1. Stick to the budget. 
This seems to be the most obvious for many resolution makers. I am proud that I have planned my entire 2019 budget all the way to December 31st, 2019. I have big goals and I've learned over the last few years that taking a little bit of each paycheck and tucking it away can help you reach your goals and visually see them coming together. My envelopes include Birthday Vegas Fund, Disney Land Vacay, Christmas Fund, Household Needs and Groceries and I have a solid plan in place to make them happen.

2. Kick the Starbucks. 
I swear I say this every single year. The only thing I've managed to kick in 2018 is the calorie content. I've figured out how to take my drink down to the minimum amount of calories and still enjoy it! However I know that I need to kick the amount I spend on it and apply it elsewhere. I've started by ordering an office Keurig. I know it wont be the same as the cup with the green straw that I love so much! Now it's going to become an occasional treat, instead of a habit.

3. Get a tattoo. 
This one will surprise many people who truly know me. I've been in the contemplating it stage for the last year. This year I want a tiny one, just for me. Don't worry, I'll Instagram the heck out of that process once I decide to do it, but you probably won't see much of it in the everyday, because I'm not planning to put it anywhere that shows.

4. Take a firearm course. 
Another resolution to shock my friends and family. I have always had a fear of and apprehension around guns. I want to learn more about them. I want to know exactly how they work, all about gun-safety and the respect that gun ownership requires. Plus, I want to be able to defend myself. Unfortunately we live in a scary world and I've realized that I'm really freaking defenseless. Plus I feel like a shooting range might be pretty invigorating. We shall see! Once I become an expert, I want a Tiffany Blue gun of my own! 

5. Find true happiness.
This encompasses so many different aspects of life. Eliminating negativity from my life is a huge priority for me going into 2019. I also want to do more things for me. I have always been horrible about bottling up my emotions, which I need to work on as well.  I also vow to slow down, say "no" and do a little less in the coming year to make more time to spend with my kids and just enjoy being at home when I can. This year, I realize that I need to be the best version of my self, which leads me to my sixth and final resolution. 

6. Make self-care a priority.
I have found a love for gym time. It is the perfect outlet for me. I can go there with pent up energy, frustration, emotions, etc. and really channel them into a workout. I absolutely love cardio and I am exploring ways to tone my body. Endorphins are a real thing people! I feel better overall and crave it when I can't go for a couple of days. Despite the people who tell me to "go eat a cheeseburger," I don't want to fall off of this routine, because I've realized how truly important it is and it makes me happy. I also want to keep reaching my water intake goals and keeping up with vitamins. 

Well, there they are! I feel like I'm really proud of my resolutions this year. I've put an incredible amount of thought into them. Sharing them only helps to hold me accountable. I hope your (as well as my) 2019 blows 2018 out of the water. It's all about perspective, goals and support systems. Best wishes in the year to come. 


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