Have you ever walked past your family command center/wall calendar only to realize that you never changed the month? In our home, it is still February! Do I still wish it was February? Absolutely not! I love each March day that comes, bringing us closer to spring. I love the spring forward time change that gives us longer days. I love that it's 4th quarter at school and we've nearly survived another school year.
The wall calendar that hasn't left February only goes to show just how chaotic and crazy this last month has been, not only at work, but also at home. I've barely known what day it is for weeks now. Not to mention that it's apparently St. Patrick's Day and you can find me in pink today, instead of green, because I still don't know what day it is. My kids were kind enough to greet me with pinches this morning to remind me, but the mornings are so crazy that there wasn't time to change clothes. So off to work I went....without any green. It's fine. Everything is fine. Just another day to stand out in my favorite color.
Sometimes as parents, we are in survival mode. Okay, maybe all of the time. But I like to think that there is a small percentage of my time where I actually have my shit together. Other times we just do what we have to do to get our kids where they need to be on time, get to work on time, get to those meetings on time, pick the kids up on time, arrange your schedule to pick up your child from detention on time, make dinner on time, go to practice on time, get to the dentist or doctor on time, go to bed on time....you get the idea.
At this point in the school year, survival mode is where we are and survival mode is where we will stay until that last day of school. And then we enter a new kind of survival mode....making sure our kids have summer childcare for three months. I'm sure teachers are feeling their own version of survival mode. I could compile an entire blog series about teachers and the saints that they are. We couldn't survive without you. So thank you!
All of this to say, if your wall calendar still says February, January, December...wherever you left off, it's okay. Say it again. It. Is. Okay. You can find me updating that tonight, only because the kids are counting down to spring break (and I am OCD, which means that when I realized I forgot to change the calendar, I really couldn't believe I did and ran through all of the scenarios that warranted my forgetfulness).
Cheers to survival mode, wearing pink on St. Patrick's Day and making it...one day at a time!
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