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One Thing is Certain

I would be lying if I said I didn't sit in my office for a moment to just reflect (and shed a few tears) as we wrap up yet another whirlwind school year. With every single last day of school (and the first days) comes the further realization that my kids are growing so fast. They have become intelligent, talented, passionate, brave, loving (and sometimes mischievous) individuals and I am so proud of them. 

Over the last nine months, I've packed hundreds of lunches, styled hair, checked for shiny white teeth, handed out vitamins, prepared breakfasts, wiped away tears, given countless hugs, adjusted work for sick days, powered through snow days, looped through the morning drop off line with an "I love you" and cleaned out endless papers from backpacks. One thing is certain.

The days often seemed so long, but they were oh so short! 

Rhylan had the biggest transition year of all....middle school. This came with so many tough moments. As a mom, there is something so emotional about dropping your child off and watching him walk into middle school alone. There is always the fear of the unknown, the hope that he will navigate what each day brings with lessons instilled by his parents, the knowing that he will experience those awkward moments that we once did, the fear of rejection for him and the faith in the school staff to keep him safe and on track. I will admit that depending on the day, I would pull away from the drop off line with tears streaming down. I'm just so emotional when it comes to my kids. 

Middle school did have its awesome moments, like first dances and A+ projects; like rollerskating in gym class and making new friends; like watching him take pride in his appearance (for the ladies I assume) and of course, his first season of Panther football! 

There is something extra special about first grade. Emersyn and Everly mastered and found a love for reading and have a newfound perspective on the world. They truly blossomed and I couldn't be more proud of them. My absolute favorite moments over the last year are found in their twin sister conversations, when they don't think I'm listening. Apparently there is a lot of "drama" in the first grade. One thing that I will always take comfort in, is knowing that they will always have each other's back. They spent most of this year dressing identical and getting amusement from those who still can't tell them apart. I am fully confident that they are ready for second grade, even if I'm not ready for them to go! 

I always approach summer with mixed emotions. While I love the break from the school mornings, hustle and bustle, homework and exhaustion, I also thrive on the routine. Summer presents its own set of challenges as Mom and Dad's lives don't come to a pause with summer break. We have to put our trust in babysitters and will often have to make adjustments on the fly when childcare falls through. Not to mention, having your kids at home more means a higher grocery bill, extra cleaning duty for mom and a lot of "I'm bored" from the kids! On the opposite side of the spectrum, summer fun will be had by all when and wherever we can! First thing's first! We will be beach bound for our next family vacation! 

When Michael and I made the decision to move to Palmyra, it was because of all of the incredible things we would hear about the school system. After our second school year, I can say with confidence that we made the right decision. As a family, we have felt supported. Rhylan has felt supported, when so many gave up on him at his last school. The girls are excited to walk in every day and it makes the morning drop off easier. 

So here's to making the most of summer break, three months to mentally prepare myself for the realization that my kids, yet again, are growing too fast. Sixth grade and second grade, here we come! 


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