"The greatest happiness is family happiness."
I can think back to the day when Rhylan was old enough to comprehend that Mommy and Daddy have to go to work and he wondered why. There are days when my girls cry, like today, because they don't understand why they can't go "buh bye" with Mommy. Just know that as I watched you both slide your sandals on with your pajamas, my heart hurt. I wish I could take you with me. There are those days when I wonder if I'm missing out. Do you miss me when I'm gone? Just know that while I'm working away to provide for our family, that I miss you all every single minute. Also know that you are the motivation behind everything that I do.
Unlike Rhylan, who I was able to stay home with for a year, you girls have never really known a time when I stayed home. I went back to work when you were three months old and saved for the entire pregnancy to be able to do that. It was tough, money was tight and I wondered if we'd make it through that time or if I'd have to go back to work sooner. It felt so surreal to walk out the door on the day my maternity leave ended. I couldn't believe that I was doing it. Eventually our family adjusted and we fell into a routine.
Back to why Mommy works:
I work because I love it.
I work because I want all three of you to be proud of me.
I work because I worked before you were born and I still want to have a career in place when you go to college.
I work because there is a society stigma that makes me crazy; the one that says that moms who really love their kids stay home.
I work because adult interaction keeps me sane and I want you to have the best version of me.
I work because I want you to have everything that I didn't and more.
I work because I want you to have that same work ethic. Studies have shown that children of working parents are more likely to get an advanced education and have higher earning potential.
I work because I love that you have that big backyard to play in and we live in a good school district.
I work because even though we wish for more, we always have quality time together.

I love you all so much and that will never change!
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