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Showing posts from 2018

365 New Days. 365 New Chances.

"What if you simply devoted this year to loving yourself more?" I've always been a believer in sitting down at the end of each year and making a few resolutions to kick-start a new year. When I think back to some of my previous resolutions, I realize just how completely unrealistic they were. Over this last year, I have gone through an incredible amount of personal growth and change. Without getting into all of that craziness, I have really thought these resolutions out to represent the new me. Instead of writing them down, I'm going to share them! I hope you find the inspiration to make a few of your own. It's always beneficial to have goals! Join me and take a fresh new approach on the year to come.  1. Stick to the budget.  This seems to be the most obvious for many resolution makers. I am proud that I have planned my entire 2019 budget all the way to December 31st, 2019. I have big goals and I've learned over the last few years that taking a li...

Holiday Hangover

What day is it? I swear that this is the week where time just doesn't exist. Yes the day after Christmas, this momma was back at her desk, but this week has felt completely off. Also, leaving my kiddos the day after Christmas sucked! I am extremely thankful for the three weeks vacation my job will offer me next year though and I don't plan to be working during the holiday week.  I keep reflecting on Christmas 2018 and I feel like it was our best one yet! This year we cut down on many different aspects of the holidays including quantity of gifts. I admit, I LOVE to go over the top and give mind blowing Christmases to my kids. This year we focused more on the real reason for the season and I scaled back to fewer, but very well-thought out gifts for the kids. I felt like this year they were so much more excited and overall grateful for what they received.  I tell myself every year that I'll start prepping earlier in the next. Do I think that will happen? Probably not! Li...

Bedtime Blues

"Experts" recommend a quiet activity before bedtime for a sound night's rest. Yeah...ok. Am I the only momma out there who absolutely freaking dreads bedtime? In the social media world, bedtime often means we mommas get to stop for a moment, sip a glass of wine and get stuff done. And on the rare nights that actually happens here in our house, I definitely document it. However, it is such a rarity, because of this. Three little monkeys bouncing off the walls and going 110% ape shit. I'm serious. 7:00 hits and all of a sudden it's like somebody loaded them up on Red Bull. They start running, yelling, acting insane and my voice goes in one ear and out of the other. It's enough to make one insane and some nights I feel like I'm there! That being said, we are only on week two of a new routine that goes like this: 7:00 - All screens off (TV screens, tablet screens, phone screens) 7:00-7:30 - Play Time, Books, Art, Board Game (Quiet Activity) 7:30 - B...

#MomLife Survival Mode

A common question that I get as a working mom of three crazy kids is.... "How do you do it?" No two moms are exactly alike and props to each and everyone of you for powering through each day. Life throws us a lot of lemons or in today's case Mondays! At the end of the day, when your children have their homework done, their baths, teeth brushed and are tucked into bed, you did it! It doesn't matter if you are a hot mess mom, a mom who has her shit together or the perfect combination of both, you deserve a pat on the back, a glass of wine, a bath, book time or whatever it is you do to unwind. I like to think of myself as the middle of the road mom. Some days I am a complete hot mess. Other days, I think to myself "yes you've got this" and I go out the door feeling like a boss. There are some things that keep me sane; things that I should mention to those who wonder how I do it. So let's just dive in! Number 1 - FamCal  Before I explain, le...


I'm not talking about the kind that burns houses. I'm talking about inner fire. This year I turned thirty-one and and while for some that isn't a significant number, for me it is. Thirty-one represents a year of personal growth for me as a person and professional. There came a day where I just woke up and said to is the day I start to pursue better.  I realized that I have spent such a long time just settling for less than and clinging to my comfort zones. The first thing I did was scrap my resume. I ripped it to shreds and spent hours designing a fresh version that reflected who I am and my marketing skillsets. I started making lists of goals. I wanted more out of life, both personally and professionally. I realized that I am too young to get comfortable. I started to pray, something that I definitely didn't do enough in the past.  The next thing I knew, I found myself walking into Chaddock for interview number one. I went in knowing that I had...


Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis That's the official diagnosis from the specialists at St. Louis Children's Hospital. The first question we had was if our daughter would struggle with this forever. All of these thoughts start to run through your head. Will Everly always struggle to walk? Will she ever be able to play soccer or take dance? Will she always have flare ups? Will this affect her for life? Will she have to be medicated? What are the side effects if so? A million questions begin streaming through your mind as a parent. Well I am thrilled to report that her arthritis diagnosis isn't chronic! Knowing that was the case, the doctor gave us two options. The first option involved a steroid injection in the foot. 50% of patients who receive the injection see relief in 2 days. I liked those odds! Should we choose to forgo injections then our next option was to medicate for up to a year, until the arthritis cleared. The medication of course comes with side effect risks. ...

A Mother's Intuition....Seeking Answers

Never doubt your intuition as a mother. Never. Roughly 12 weeks ago, my little Everly appeared to have injured her foot. I assumed it was a mild sprain. It swelled up and she had a hard time walking. I took her to her pediatrician that next day. We ran x-rays, which came back clear. They just assumed it was a mild sprain. I was referred to an orthopedic doctor who basically informed me that I was a crazy person and that there wasn't a thing wrong with her foot. "Three year olds do this for attention sometimes." I can still hear those words and inside I was screaming, because I knew deep down that there was something wrong. Why would my three year old choose to limp and fake a daily struggle to walk and run with kids on the playground. Something wasn't right. I insisted that she needed a boot or something to alleviate some pain while she healed, which he obliged. What's even more ironic? That doctor is no longer there. Fast forward 8 weeks... Things were ...

It's Not Just a Name

This has been weighing on my mind lately. Let's talk baby names. Not that you can copyright a name, but if you are like me, you spent a lot of time and even a sleepless night or two thinking about what to name your new baby to be. You want it to be unique, original and in my case uncommon.  Rhylan, Emersyn and Everly. My babies. The names that I put so much thought into. As a mom, it's not just a name. It's something so special to you, because you put so much thought into that perfect name.  I feel like there should be some kind of mom code. Listen. I know that it's impossible to have the only Rhylan, Emersyn and Everly on the planet. Thanks to Pinterest, many names will take off and start trending. As a matter of fact, I have started to see and hear the name Everly popping up more and more. But what about when someone you know or in my case once knew, names their children the same thing? When I first heard they named the...