Reposted from my September 11, 2020 Facebook Post.
Today was one of those mornings...I felt like my hair was on fire, there was spilled juice all over one's clothing, the breakfast bar and the floor, my kids were fighting, the dishwasher didn't run the night before and the dishes piled high. I felt like time was moving twice as fast as it normally does. I scrambled to pack three lunches and it was a mad rush to get myself and three humans out the door for school...I felt spent, absolutely over the morning routine, just as my kids were.
I looked up and said, "Lord, I'm not sure I can do this today. I'm tired. I'm spent. My kids are spent. Please give us the strength to take on this day." I gave up on the rush, because we were already late and took a deep breathe. On the drive to school, I apologized to my kids for such a rough start to their Friday. I reminded them that it wasn't even 8:00 a.m. and that we could still turn our day around (a reminder to myself as well, because I needed it just as much as they did). We pulled up to the school and my Everly says, "Mom, do you have time to get out and give us all hugs today?"
Talk about a reality check! Sometimes our kids unknowingly do that for us. In that moment, I was reminded to pause, because those hugs are more important than walking into my office right at 8:00 a.m. They will always come first. I put my car in park. My kiddos lined up and each took their turn giving me that much needed squeeze followed by an "I love you, Mom." I felt at peace in that moment. And I hope they did as well.
On my drive to work, it dawned on me that today is 9/11 and I couldn't help but think about how many families wished they could've had just one more hug, one more chaotic morning and one more "I love you." Those moments that we often take for granted were just ripped away from them.
I'm always reminding the parents that follow me to be in the moment with their kids. At times...I need that reminder myself. We all do. Today and everyday...remember that life is too short and tomorrow is not guaranteed. Hug your kids. Call your mom. Appreciate what you have.
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