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The feeling of being trapped in your own body as it spirals out of many of you have felt that way? I started 2023 in the doctor's office to talk about the crazy symptoms I had been experiencing (yet trying to deny) for the last year. Here's a run-down of the hot mess-ness that I found all consuming for far too long: Hair Loss Uncontrollable Weight Gain Debilitating Fatigue  Joint & Muscle Pain Terrible Menstrual Cycles Sensitivity to Cold Anxiety and Depression I remember absolutely cringing inside as I put this laundry list of front of my doctor. My inner narrative (this is something I'm still working on) can be so harsh and I had myself convinced that I was being a baby and needed to suck it up. However, "suck it up" was no longer an option. My TSH levels indicated a thyroid issue, which was commonly linked to the list of symptoms I presented. The first diagnosis was that of Hypothyroid Disorder and I was immediately put on Levothyroxin.  Mont...
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2023 Taking Care of Me

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I Hate This.

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"Valentimes" Traditions

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You, My Friend, Matter.

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