Babies Are The Size Of: Potatoes (About 5 1/2 inches)
Maternity Clothes: All of the time now! I never thought I 'd be thankful to find the "fat" jeans that I wore prior to losing weight! Those are now coming in handy!
Stretch Marks: No stretch marks.....yet!
Sleep: Starting to get a little uncomfortable with finding sleep positions. Usually my right side works best. Just ordered a wedge pillow!
Belly Button: In
Feeling: I feel really good. Seriously can't complain!
Symptoms: Ligament Stretching Pains; Tailbone Pains
Missing Anything? My clothes from last Spring & Summer!
Movement: Moving around like crazy! One is more active than the other!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? Swallowing my vitamin in the morning is starting to become challenging, but I get it down!
Cravings: Watermelon
Wedding Ring: I delivered Rhylan with my wedding ring in tact and have the same goal for this time around! We will see!
Big Moments: We expected an ultrasound last Monday, but it got pushed back to 3 weeks from now. But one huge plus at my last doctor's appointment is that I now weigh what I weighed when I got pregnant with Rhylan and I'm half way through a twin pregnancy! That felt good! Also the babies are now located about 1 cm above my belly button, so I'm carrying much higher than I carried Rhylan!
Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender in 3 weeks!
Next Appointment: May 19th
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