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"What's That Like?"

"Twins....what's that like?" This is a very common question from many strangers when I'm out and about. My response is always "It's great!" But there is so much that goes into that statement! 

What's it like from my experience? Well let me tell you!

Overwhelming Amounts of Love
Working full-time means that I'm missing my babies for 8 hours every day. But the moment that I walk into the door, those two little faces light up and suddenly it's like the weight of the world disappears. Walking into their room first thing in the morning and seeing those early morning, sleepy smiles....there's nothing like it! I could go on and on!

Everything Times TWO 
Yep, everything! Two bottles first thing in the morning, two servings of baby food, two burp cloths, two diapers at a time, two baths, you get the idea! It really is not that much different than caring for a single baby, just do everything twice! 

Crying It Out
Have you heard those moms that say "My baby will never cry it out" and they put Moms down who believe in this method. Well take it from me, I've raised one baby already prior to twins. And to me the fact that one baby will have to cry it out sometimes, is one of the hardest aspects of being a twin mom. Sometimes you have to gauge which baby needs you more and the other has to wait her turn. I wish I could be supermom with the magical power of an extra set of arms! 

Pregnant with twins? Go buy a huge wash machine. Go now. That is all. 

Celebrity Status
That's how it feels to go out on the town with twins. Suddenly there's pointing, whispering and inquiring minds always want to know (see title). 

Admit It
You want a mini-van, because I do! I've gone from a Prius Mom who would NEVER drive a van, to an SUV mom trying to avoid a van and now I'm dying for a mini-van. You better believe it's going to be an awesome van and decked out as much as possible. Someday! 

They will drastically change! For example, I was always designer handbag loyal and now I pick one up and put it back with a huge wave of guilt. My current purse is starting to fall apart. It is still important to treat yourself every now and then. I can't stand when society makes a mom feel bad for getting something nice. My birthday and Mother's Day are approaching, perhaps I may get that new handbag by then? 

It's precious! And when you do sleep, you will sleep ever so lightly just waiting for the slightest sound or whimper from the nursery. This also applies to single babies or kids in general, but I feel like mentioning it! 

Cloth Diapering
One of the BEST decisions that I ever made! See my prior blogs on cloth diapering if you'd like my perspective! Let me just say that diapers are RIDICULOUSLY expensive and that I've already saved well over what I invested in cloth. Plus I love it! All it takes is an open mind and willingness to learn. 

Grocery Shopping
Alone? Welcome to a mini-vacation where suddenly you feel so light and free! Grab a latte and your coupons and drag that process out! 

Momma Guns
Not the kind that you fire, but the strength that it takes to carry two babies, two carriers, the diaper bag and everything all at once, because you want to make it to and from the car in one trip! I'm sure it's a sight to see! 

Not The Same...
as your closely spaced children. It's just not. 

My House
It's always clean, but no longer the OCD clean that it used to be. And that's okay, because I don't want to miss anything as my kids grow. Nap time means this mom is speed cleaning! 

That Special Bond
between twins is amazing! The closeness that they share in the womb continues outside and it's so neat to observe. 

You will never feel like you have enough of it. And I don't mean the kind to get things done (though it would be nice), but the everyday. Before you know it, they're no longer tiny little newborns. One day they begin to laugh, the next they're rolling over, then they're eating solid food, then they're sitting up and so on... Didn't I just have these babies? Seriously, slow down!

From the moment, I saw that second baby on the ultrasound, my entire life changed. I feel like I was meant for this 110%! God knew exactly what he was doing when he chose us to be parents to twin girls. I often think back to the day that I found out that I was expecting twins and the panicked feeling. Now I can't imagine life without them! We've made some sacrifices both big and small to raise our little family and it's all so worth it! Every day is a new adventure and it's hard to recall what life was like before our kids. And believe it or not, whether I'm away for the day or they are taking a nap, I miss those little sweethearts! I just cannot get enough of their personalities, snuggles and puffy cheeks!  


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