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My Best Years (Yet)

Suddenly you're 30 and think to yourself that the next ten years are going to be the best yet. It feels like you have so much of the 30's ahead of you, but then suddenly you hit the mid-way hump and realize that you are now on the downward toward 40. I'm not sure how that happened, but I won't lie! I do love the 30's. The 20's were tough, as we worked hard, struggled to get by at times and tried to find our way.

Today is my 35th birthday, so I feel the need to offer words of encouragement to those who may need it! Are you a twenty-something who dreads the 30's? Are you already in your 30's and feel defeated by it? I'm here to encourage you to stop! Brace yourselves for this one, because some of these are mind-blowing. Okay...more like comical, but nonetheless, here you go. 

Enjoy my personal list of reasons why I love the 30's! 

  1. Unlike my 20's, I feel like I somewhat (not fully) have my sh*t together. 
  2. We have more financial wiggle room than when we were starting out. 
  3. We have a handle on this whole parenting thing, but just in time for our kids to grow up too fast.
  4. I literally get excited about the littlest of things, like a new anti-aging skin care line, when you're the only car in line for an iced coffee, when you get every item from your grocery order or the perfect, sunshiney day.
  5. I stopped giving a crap what other people think of me and took ownership of my life. 
  6. I discovered just how empowering it is to say "no" to the things that don't bring me joy or are a detriment to my mental health.
  7. I realized that being "skinny" isn't as important as being healthy. 
  8. I prioritize sleep. Early bedtimes are the best ya'll and being early to rise allows you to truly seize your day!
  9. I may not have a lot of them, but I have top notch, quality, supportive friendships in those who lasted beyond my 20's. 
  10. I stopped worrying about being conventionally "cool" and embraced the minivan. That's right! I will always stand behind that decision to all of those who say that they will never do it (also me in my 20's). It's a different kind of cool! 
  11. I found a fulfilling career path that allows me to give back using my skillsets and grow as a leader.
  12. I won't ever sacrifice work/life balance again. I spent years of my 20's going without time off....and what do I have to show for it? Missed moments with my kids, that's what. Don't ever let that happen to you.
  13. The ultimate work day motivator? Iced coffee, regardless of how cold it is outside. I will work harder just to support that habit! Judge me if you will!
  14. We accomplished our "five year plan" goal of moving out of Illinois. I still can't believe we did that! 
  15. I realized just how important time with family is and crave more of it!
  16. I started shopping at Aldi after being an Aldi-hater in the past. I wish I would've started sooner! So much money saved and awesome finds! 
  17. We realize just how important family vacations are and try to take one every year, after all, you only have so many of them with your kids at home. 
  18. I found just how fulfilling it is to give or make someone's day without expecting anything in return.
  19. We are busy, busy, BUSY making the best memories possible! And I'll never apologize for it. 
  20. Overall, I found a fire inside of me that was just waiting to be ignited during my 20's. Once you find that, you will be unstoppable with newfound self-confidence.
I could go on and ON, listing hundreds of reasons. If you've stuck this out, then I have to say thank you! If you are a twenty-something worried about the thirties, rest assured. They really are incredible years! 

My goal? To make the most of the next five years and start thinking about the good to come in the next decade. After all, there's always something to be thankful for. 


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