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Hi Babies

Rhylan is so excited to be a big brother! He talks to them every day. He comes up to my belly and shouts "Hi babies! I'm your big brother!" and sometimes he will say "Can't wait to see you!" I just know that he is going to be an incredible big brother and he will be so excited to have new playmates when they get older. 

Sometimes I just stand and watch him playing in the yard by himself, swinging, building sand castles, driving his tractor around and I just can't help but feel a little sad that he doesn't have a playmate. So knowing that these twins are coming makes me so excited! Someday, though chaotic, I can't wait to have three kiddos running through the house having fun! 

Rhylan also thinks that he can see them through my belly button! He squints one eye and peers into my belly button like it's a little window! It's the cutest thing ever! Even though he can't see them, he sure likes to pretend he can. 

When the babies are born, Rhylan will of course be the very first visitor! I can't wait to see his face when he first meets his new siblings. And I'm sure he will be proudly sporting his Big Brother cape like the little superhero he is! We can't wait to see what a "super" big brother he will be! 


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