Babies Are The Size Of: Believe it or not, this momma is rocking 10 lbs of babies! Baby A is 5 lbs 2 oz and Baby B is 4 lbs 13 oz. We have two healthy girls and couldn't be more thrilled! It is very reassuring that low birth weight won't be an issue.
Maternity Clothes: Some of my tops are becoming too small! But I WILL NOT buy more! I'm too close to the end, so I will work with what I can!
Stretch Marks: Some of the stretch marks from my first pregnancy are reappearing. But I was still bigger overall with Rhylan, so I'm counting my blessings!
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning and waking up at this point. Practice maybe?
Belly Button: Outie
Feeling: I'm very tired often, which made sense once I realized that my girls weigh 10 lbs together! Did I mention excruciating rib pain? I'm not sure what a cracked rib feels like, but what I'm dealing with has to be close! OUCH!
Symptoms: Rib pains on the right side, acid reflux, tiredness, shortness of breath, small contractions here and there, overall exhausted!
Missing Anything? WINE and headache meds (and no not at the same time)! haha
Movement: So much activity and hiccups!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? As much as I have loved it for this entire pregnancy, I'm going to have to start avoiding spicy foods!
Cravings: This week I really wanted a good hamburger and a piece of chocolate cake! And I had both!
Wedding Ring: Still in-tact
Big Moments: Both babies are still in the head down position, which is great! I've also been having contractions here and there, which they were able to monitor during my last non-stress test. My body is definitely getting ready!
Looking Forward To: After next week, I'm in the clear to deliver these girls if they decide to come! With the girls already measuring at a good size, I can really go anytime! So I'm just getting anxious and ready to meet them! Just a warning to those that live in my neighborhood, starting next week, you'll see me out "waddling" to get these babies out!
Next Appointment: Monday
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