We've officially made it through our first week as twin parents! I thought bringing these two bundles home was going to be the challenge of a lifetime! I built it up in my head as an image of me covered in spit up, both babies screaming and me, their mom, unable to keep up! All I've heard over the last 9 months is how challenging and hard it's going to be or how I'm going to have my hands full.
Our first night, Michael and I thought it would be wise to have the girls sleep separately. WRONG! It was a very rough night to say the least. Neither baby slept a wink and Michael and I were suddenly wondering how on earth we were going to handle the next several months with zero sleep. In the hospital, the babies slept together. We decided to give it a try. So at about 4 a.m., we swaddled each baby, placed them side by side in one of the cribs, tucked another blanket across the top of them and those two slept like angels! It's amazing the bond that they share. Michael and I got to rest and our babies did too. So my first bit of advice for first-time twin parents and perhaps the biggest difference between bringing one baby home compared to two, is that these girls love to do everything together. They are already so synchronized!
Emersyn and Everly eat, sleep, wake up, need diaper changes and snuggles around the same time. The closeness that they share inside the womb definitely can be seen outside. My second piece of advice is to practice, practice, practice juggling two babies while you have help! It's scary at first learning to pick up, hold and nurse two babies at one time. They of course lack any kind of head support as newborns, so this can be very tricky at first. We've been home for a week and I am just now getting some confidence in the everyday juggling! Let me tell you, there is nothing like snuggling two little babies at once and having them lay on your chest or curl up in your arms.
Well, I don't know if it's because I've already raised one baby or call it my motherly instinct, but this transition has been absolutely wonderful! I'd be lying if I haven't had a few good cries over this last week. After all, when your family jumps to five as quickly as ours did, it can definitely be overwhelming! But I really feel like we were made to care for these twin girls and big brother. I still feel like me, but with so much more love! I look at my two new girls and all I can feel is an overwhelming sense of love, joy and amazement at the fact that we created them. It's so incredible! Plus I've already cared for one newborn and applying the skills to two has been pretty adaptable.
Big brother Rhylan has adjusted to his new siblings and loves helping! He likes to feel like he is involved and a part of the routine. I love when he brings them a blanket, gives them kisses, asks to hold them or wants them to "watch" Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with him. I was really worried about how this transition would go. After all, for almost 4 years, it's always been me and my little man! I'm looking forward to our special moments together whether it's night time stories, a trip to the ice cream shop or Panera for a "nuffin".
We had our first family outing to take the girls to the doctor. All I can say is get up early and get going to get out the door on time! We had to be at Hannibal Clinic by 10 and I started getting the family ready around 7. We didn't have to stress or rush, which was nice when we were loading up the car with plenty of time to spare. Organize everything the night before and then you can grab and go!
I'm looking forward to the weeks to come! It's still weird to wrap my head around being home from work until January 2nd. I'm very grateful for my extended leave from work to raise these girls and spend time with Rhylan. It's a time that will go by entirely too fast and one that I will always cherish and never forget.
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