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Welcome To The World Little Ones

Can I even put into words how amazing this experience has been? September 19th at 6 a.m., my husband and I walked into the hospital knowing that our lives were about to drastically change! A nervous pit inside my stomach, I walked into the unit ready for the challenge of bringing two precious girls into the world. 

As of my last Monday appointment, I was 4-5 cm dilated, 100% effaced and my water was on the verge of breaking. My doctor knew how important it was to me that I go into labor on my own. It was an experience that never happened with my first pregnancy, so she gave me until Friday. It took the nurses a couple of hours to get me prepped and ready to go. At 8:03 a.m., my doctor broke my water. Let me just say (while sparing the gory details) that my water breaking was probably the grossest experience! But the good thing was that my disgust brought some comic relief to the room. 

Not long after my water was broken, the contractions started to come on strong. I couldn't believe how fast it started! But considering the fact that I was already 5 cm dilated, completely effaced and past full-term, it was no surprise that my little girls were more than ready to join us! Shortly after, my wonderful nurse Tiffany checked my progress and I was 6 cm. My doctor ordered an epidural for me as it is routine for her twin deliveries. The risk of one of the babies turning or a complication can cause the need for an emergency c-section or other interventions. The epidural procedure was quick! Though the relief, not quick enough! These girls were coming and fast! I told my nurse that I felt like I needed to push and the pain was getting intense. I thought I had to be crazy, because my doctor didn't think that the girls would arrive until around noon. My nurse checked me and before we knew it, I was complete! She called my doctor for her to rush back over. 

The labor and delivery experience was a whirlwind! And it already feels like a dream. Our first baby made her way into the world at 9:41 and our second baby joined her sister at 9:53. Twelve minutes apart and just shortly after my water was broken. It was evident that these girls were more than ready to join us! Two -three pushes per baby was all it took! 

Immediately after they were born, they were placed on my chest for skin-to-skin bonding. It was absolutely amazing and I just kept looking back and forth, back and forth between them in absolute awe! Little Emersyn Kate was first followed by Everly Morgan! Both girls were able to nurse right away and did so for almost two hours!

Emersyn Kate
9:41 a.m.
6 lbs, 7 oz 
18.5" Long

Everly Morgan 
9:53 a.m.
7 lbs, 2 oz
19" Long 

Michael and I want to thank all of our friends and family for their love and support during this experience. We decided to keep our labor and delivery time a secret for two reasons. First, this was our last pregnancy experience and we wanted to focus on being with each other to bring our girls into the world without any outside distractions. Second, twin deliveries can be complicated, so we didn't want anyone present just in case. Regardless of how long anyone sits in the waiting room, it's not possible to come back for a couple hours after birth. We wanted our family to come when they could join us! Most everyone was very understanding, respectful and supportive of this decision, which we very much appreciated. It's important to remember that this experience was about Michael, me and our little family. 

We couldn't wait to call and let everyone know that they were here! Michael called his parents as soon as he could and I couldn't wait to let my family know as well. We were anxious for our loved ones to come and meet them to share in our joy! And we had so many wonderful visitors! 

So here we are! I look back to that day in March when we found out that we were having twins! I feel like we blinked and now they are here! We are all doing wonderful. They are the sweetest little babies who love to sleep together, eat together and already have so much personality. Rhylan is beaming with excitement to take on his job as big brother! We are looking forward to the future for our family of five. 


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