Babies Are The Size Of: We have another growth ultrasound on Monday! Curious as to how much they've grown in a month!
Maternity Clothes: So over it!
Stretch Marks: Getting worse! I'm seriously stretched to the max!
Sleep: It's getting very tough. I wake up with painful contractions off and on nightly, but nothing that stays regular. Acid Reflux makes me feel like I'm going to get sick while laying down as well.
Belly Button: It's definitely poking out!
Feeling: So so so tired, but I just keep going!
Symptoms: Contracting a lot more often and they are more painful. Dealing with awful pains at the top of my stomach that feel like a huge bruise, rib pains and still having shooting pains down there. I can also feel a head in place, which makes it very uncomfortable to lay down or walk.
Missing Anything? Not having to spend every Monday afternoon at the hospital and not having constant hospital bills.
Movement: Big movements, some of which cause pain. My belly has definitely dropped, because people have started to ask if I'm expecting a boy! haha
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? Acid Reflux
Cravings: Life Savers Mints & Crunching on Ice
Wedding Ring: Still in-tact
Big Moments: We've reached our pregnancy goal of 36 weeks meaning the girls have hit peak lung development! I'm probably going to embarrass him, but my husband had a moment that I never want to forget. You know you're getting close when there is a puddle of water in the garage and your husband automatically thinks that your water has broken! He came running back to our bathroom (where I spend my time peeing every 5 minutes) to make sure I was alright. He stood outside the door yelling for me, because he thought it was go time! It was hilarious and super sweet at the same time. At least he's ready! haha
Looking Forward To: Bringing these sweet girls into the world and the new chapter of our lives that comes with it. I am most definitely over the pregnancy stage.
Next Appointment: Monday
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