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My child ate a poptart today......I know! A freaking poptart! How on earth can I let my child eat something so terrible? I know it's not "organic" or "whole grain" or "all natural", but you know what? I'm normal. Some days I just don't have it in me to make a nutritious breakfast. And when you have a picky eater like my five year old, you're just thankful he is getting something in his stomach before school.  I know that this popular toaster pastry isn’t exactly packed with vitamins and nutrients. However, I didn’t realize that you are better off skipping breakfast altogether than downing one as you dash out the door. Why does society have to find such a problem with each and every food item that we consume? And why are we all so worried about what every mom is feeding her child? Stop showing me articles that are swirling around on social media that break down various foods and why you shouldn't eat them. I get it! I know what&


There's absolutely nothing that can compare to snuggling not one but two newborns on your chest as they sleep. And lately I find myself missing that aspect of being a twin mom. As I watch you two run around like crazy, carry on conversations, dance, laugh and play, I can't help but think to myself "Did I really cherish those moments enough?" or "Was I too busy and overwhelmed to realize that they were flying by?" Lately among the chaos that is our world today, I long for those moments again.  I can still feel the warmth of two babies snuggled up together on my chest. I can still smell that sweet baby smell of your fuzzy little heads. I remember being unable to move, because I didn't want to wake you and worried that if I did move, that I may lose my grip. I wish that I would've held you just a little bit longer and really taken those moments in. Before I knew it, you became little people.  I see you; two little people with personalities and opini

Oh Two-dles!

And just like that, my sweet girls are two years old! And while it's been a month since we celebrated, I can't help but still struggle to wrap my head around the fact that you are no longer "babies". Of course, I always tell you that you'll be my babies forever and ever, but you really are transforming each and everyday into little individuals. You now have opinions. You can physically tell me through words what you want and need. You're potty training! How did this happen?  For a Party Planning Momma, it's all in the details! Let's relive your special birthday party! We kept it small and intimate this year, so that you were surrounded by those who you are closest too. It was absolutely perfect! There were a few people missing that we wish could've joined us, but you are without a doubt so loved!  Because your current obsession is Mickey and Minnie Mouse, it was a given that we would choose that theme for your party! So we gave you your

I Work Because...

"The greatest happiness is family happiness." I can think back to the day when Rhylan was old enough to comprehend that Mommy and Daddy have to go to work and he wondered why. There are days when my girls cry, like today, because they don't understand why they can't go "buh bye" with Mommy. Just know that as I watched you both slide your sandals on with your pajamas, my heart hurt. I wish I could take you with me. There are those days when I wonder if I'm missing out. Do you miss me when I'm gone? Just know that while I'm working away to provide for our family, that I miss you all every single minute. Also know that you are the motivation behind everything that I do.  Unlike Rhylan, who I was able to stay home with for a year, you girls have never really known a time when I stayed home. I went back to work when you were three months old and saved for the entire pregnancy to be able to do that. It was tough, money was tight and I wonder

Uncle "Dip"

They know him by his Marine photo hanging on our wall. They know him from their Aunt Morgan's wedding photos. To them, he is Uncle "Dip". I'm talking about my brother Dylan who is currently stationed in Okinawa Japan. He left shortly after our daughters were born. And though we have FaceTime and text messaging, sometimes I wonder how they will react when they finally see him in person. Will they put two and two together? Will they be afraid as they usually are when someone new comes around?  We are thrilled that he is able to join us on our family trip to Florida this September and even more thrilled that he will be officially stationed back in the states later this year. Until that time comes we will continue to talk about Dylan with the girls. We will continue to look at those photos and let them point out who they like to refer to as "Dip". It makes us laugh as they say their own version of the word Dylan.  They say that time flies when you have child


I'm pretty sure it was just yesterday that we took this picture, right?  Today it hit me as I just celebrated my own birthday that yours is just around the corner. In just three short months, you will be two.  I've gotten used to life with two. First it was two babies on the ultrasound. Then it was carrying two babies in my belly. Then out you came with a grand entrance that I'll never forget. And I knew my life was forever changed. I wondered if I could handle caring for two babies at once.  I'll always remember those first days and nights. Especially once your Dad returned to work and I realized that it was up to me. I was on my own with you. I can still see myself covered in spit up, a baby on each arm and using my feet to pick something up. I'm sure that was a sight to see! I can still feel both of your tiny warm bodies laying on my chest as I decided that I would let the housework go for the day. I knew in my heart that the time with you as infants was g

My Favorite Version of Me

I'm sure that so many moms can relate when I say that it is very hard to remember what life was like before kids. What on earth did I do with all of my spare time? Just the other day, a post from seven years ago said that I was having a "cleaning and catching up on shows kind of day." Really? Okay, the cleaning part hasn't changed and my kids have just come to terms with it. Catching up on shows? Sleeping in? Doing things just because I could? There is one thing that has never changed...I always knew that I wanted to be a mom. Always!  There are some things that have changed in my last several years as a mom though and lately I find myself thinking about and realizing just how different I am now compared to then.  I've realized how important close friends are over having "many" friends. My twenties were filled with the ending of friendships that I thought would last for a lifetime. Some of which I still do not understand in regards to what happened.

"The Coolest Moms...."

This last weekend, I had the pleasure of taking just my son on a little weekend getaway to visit friends. I don't think his little five year old mind will ever grasp just how much that meant to me. Since having twins, it doesn't happen very often that we get that opportunity and I couldn't wait to spoil him a little bit on this trip.  On the nearly three hour car ride, I got to pick his brain, listen to his thoughts and take his song requests. For the record, he requested his new favorite song "7 Years" by Lucas Graham and apparently he loves the new Fall Out Boy single (what?)! So we jammed out and sang along. I'd glance in the rear view mirror and watch the joy on his face as we sang along. My favorite quote from the ride down was "The coolest moms listen to Justin Bieber." That's right! This mom is a Belieber and I'm not ashamed of it!  Anyone who knows Rhylan understands that being around him brings a never ending steam of chat

The Hardest Part

Anytime I take my girls out, there is one common question that the inquiring minds of the public want to know. If I've answered this question once, I've answered it one hundred times. What is the hardest part? I find this question to be a bit irritating, but at the same time I understand where they are coming from. The thought of bringing two tiny infants home from he hospital, caring for their every need and raising them is terrifying to some.  I'll be honest and say that it wasn't always a breeze. Granted I feel like I am much different in that I brought home two healthy, full-term babies who were good natured from the beginning and continue to be today. That's not always the case for some and I thank God every single day for that! So let me tell you based on my personal experience what the hardest parts of raising twins are.  Crying It Out As parents its our constant goal to keep our babies comfortable and content. Well when you bring home two infants, there


Today is one of those very emotional days that we moms have every now and then. And I can't really explain it. One minute a happy article is bringing tears to my eyes and then this happened. As I'm working away in the afternoon, this little boy knocks on our glass door. I smiled and motioned for him to come in. He politely asked for a cup of water. Of course we gave him some water. He asked if he could take it with him. And he said "thank you so much" on his way out.  This really struck an emotional cord with me. This little boy was right around Rhylan's age and out walking around by himself. It tugged at my heartstrings and made me realize just how blessed we are. Not all kids have the life that my kids do. Yes there are times when we struggle and life isn't always easy, but we work to give our kids the best life that we can.  Do you ever watch you kids eat dinner and thank the Lord that you are able to feed and provide for them? I find myself doing tha

The Cryer

It's often the reason for laughter among my family and friends. That's right....I'll admit it. I'm a cryer! Let me clarify, I am generally a strong person and I can hold in my emotions (most of the time), but when it comes to my kids and their milestones? I am an absolute cryer! I'm not sure if it's because life is flying so fast, the fact that I am done having babies, so each milestone is for the last time or maybe it's because I am learning the reality of letting them go and be who they want to be.  Rhylan's first day at daycare - bawling.  Rhylan's first day at preschool - bawling.  Rhylan's first tumbling class? - yep, I cried!  Kindergarten Round Up - you get it!  Hearing my girls say my name - tears! I'm just so proud of my kids. As cheesy as it sounds, it's the truth. Seeing life through their eyes just fills me with emotion. Preschool graduation is just around the corner! And yep, you guessed it! There I will sit, better

Seize the....Target Store?

Last weekend, I had the itch for a day trip. So along with my momma, we packed up my three kiddos and headed out of town to do some shopping. Now let me just say that in the morning as I got the kids fed, bathed and dressed; as I loaded up the car with anything that we could potentially need on our day out, my conscience told me to stay home. I should've listened...Target is just not the same with three little kids in tow. Here's a breakdown of Target with two toddlers and a five year old.  Rhylan: "Mom can we please go to the toys?"  Me: "You have to be a good boy through the entire store and then we will go visit the toys last."  Five seconds pass.... Rhylan: "Mom can we please go to the toys?"  Me: "You have to be a good boy through the entire store and then we will go visit the toys last."  You get the idea....  I finally cave and head to the toy section with the hopes that a new toy will keep Rhylan occupied so that I

Memory Lane

Last weekend, I stood by my Dad's side as we laid his Grandma, my Great Grandma Curfman to rest. It is one of the phases of life, that never gets easier, no matter the age of the person that you are saying goodbye to. She was 94, which to me is worth celebrating. And I like to think that she would like it that way.  Sylvia Curfman was a huge part of my Dad's life. And I know that it was a tough situation for him, even with her being 94. One of the worst experiences for me is when my Dad cries. It absolutely tears me up inside. At the same time, I felt my little family growing closer in that moment. It really puts the importance of family into perspective. After the funeral, I felt myself wanting to stay close to my family, my Dad in particular. So we decided to go to lunch and do a bit of Super Bowl Sunday shopping, but first....  Anyone who knows or knew Sylvia Curfman knows that Hull, IL was where a big part of her life unfolded. She operated restaurants there, a laundrom

Moving Forward Together

I've been trying to figure out how to put my thoughts into words over the past few days. 2016 has started by throwing us a curveball. Without going into too much detail, after spending a week in pain and unable to function, my husband ended up having to have surgery. I am so thankful to have him home and recovering and really this blog is a shout out to the man, that I know I've taken for granted from time to time.  Now that my husband is on a weight restriction until further notice, I've come to realize just how much my husband really does for myself and the kids. I've been holding down our fort for the past week and I didn't realize just how much he does. He has a job that requires a lot of his time, yet he still finds time to help me with the kids, take out the trash, fix things around the house, maintain the yard work, etc. Now that I'm doing it all on my own as well as taking care of him as he recovers, I have realized just how lucky that I am to have suc


Nebraska.....that's where this Mommy has escaped to for the weekend. Catching up with family friends, no agenda, drinking coffee, watching movies, vegging out is what's in-store. And don't get me wrong as I absolutely adore my little family and though I miss them terribly right now, I truly did need this. I don't think I realized it, but it's only been one day and I already feel so refreshed and rejuvenated.  Most people wouldn't think of a road trip to Nebraska when they think of getting away, but the opportunity presented itself to spend some quality time with my mom and hit the road, I couldn't say no. The five hour journey flew by among the conversation with my mom. As I sit here waiting for the girls to get ready (for shopping, of course), I can't help but feel strange as I don't have to lift a finger. I don't have to say "No don't do that" or hop up and chase any toddlers. It's a bittersweet feeling, because I almost fe